To serve you better, we've assembled a list of our customers' most frequently asked questions. If you don't find your answer here, feel free to contact us.
Why do I have to be a Member to get water service from Brown County Water Utility?
Brown County Water Utility, Inc., is an Indiana non-profit corporation 501 (c) (12), membership owned and organized to operate a rural water system in this area and Governed by a Membership Elected Board of Directors.
What is the cost of a New Membership?
The cost is $100.00 for a New Membership and it is non-refundable. This membership is good for any property you may purchase within the BCWU service area as long as you remain active and in good standings with the utility.
What is the cost of a New Meter Tap?
The cost is $1,890.00 for a New 5/8” Residential Meter Tap Connection.
**New Meter Tap connection fee for meters larger than 5/8” are calculated at actual cost of materials, plus installation. Please contact our office at 812-988-6611 for larger meter cost quote.
What do I do if I am experiencing low pressure?
Check your meter and the surrounding area for possible leaks. Next, call our office and report low pressure for your area. A customer may operate the Service Stop to turn off its water service in the event of an emergency, or for repairs to the customer's facilities with the Utility's permission. No customer or person not authorized by the Utility shall operate or access the Utility's property to initiate service or restore service after the service has been disconnected.
Who do I call if I have a water emergency?
If you have a water emergency afterhours, please call 812-988-6611, our afterhours answering service will assist you. At Brown County Water Utility, we have a water professional on-call 7 days a week.
During normal business hours Monday ~ Friday between 8:30am ~ 4:30pm, please call our office at 812-988-6611, the BCWU office staff will assist you.
Why do I need to provide an Easement?
At application a "Member" agrees, if requested to do so at no cost to Brown County Water Utility, grant an easement across the "Member’s" property for a water main from Brown County Water Utility. During construction, Brown County Water Utility or its Contractors will repair damages at no expense to the applicant "Member", except any re-seeding.
Does Brown County Water Utility Operate the Local Sewer Systems (Gnaw Bone or Helmsburg)?
No. Please DO NOT send sewer payments to BCWU. BCWU is only a water service provider.
Why is my water discolored?
A repair could have been completed recently allowing air to enter the line, causing the milky look. Click on "Resources" then "Water Color Taste Odor" document for further information.
What chemicals does our utility district add to the water?
Only chemicals that are approved by the National Safety Foundation for treatment of drinking water. Click on "Resources" then "Water Color Taste Odor" document for further information.
My water tastes, looks, and smells funny. Is it safe to drink?
All public water systems are required to maintain a minimum chlorine level of 0.2 mg/L (tested at the end of each line) by state law. Systems that use chloramine as a disinfectant must maintain a level of 0.5 mg/L by state law. Our disinfectant levels are tested daily to ensure safety. Click on "Resources" then "Water Color Taste Odor" document for further information.
Why does debris come out of the faucet when running hot water?
Most likely your water heater needs to be flushed. CAUTION: Most manufacturers recommend hiring a professional to flush your water heater. If you plan on doing this yourself, read the owner's manual to keep from being hurt and or damaging the water heater. Click on "Resources" then "Water Color Taste Odor" document for further information.
What do I need to do when I am under a boil water advisory?
When a boil water advisory has been issued for your area, we advise you to bring all cooking and drinking water to a full boil for 5 minutes before using.
This does not include water used for bathing, laundry, etc. We do recommend you use care when doing laundry if you are experiencing discolored water.
It is important to remember that boil water advisories are only being issued as a precautionary measure. The advisory allows BCW time to test the water from the area affected by the main break for contaminates to ensure our customers safety, per IDEM regulations.
Am I responsible for both the meter and my service line?
The meter and meter equipment are property of BCWU. We are responsible for the maintenance of the meter and its components. The customer is responsible for their service line beginning at the connection to the meter's setter - this includes installation and maintenance of the service line. BCWU is not responsible for customer service lines.
Can I receive an adjustment for a leak?
Leak adjustments are available to customers who have fixed a leak in or around their home. With completed paperwork, the customer can get an adjustment to their water bill. The adjustment doesn't bring the balance to 0, but it gives the water at a discounted rate. Customers are allowed one leak adjustment in a 12-month period.
When are bills due?
Bills are due on the 20th of each month. Failure to pay by the 20th will result in a late fee and failure to pay within 30 days of the due date will result in disconnection of water service.